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Fire Alarm

Garbage Chutes
Garbage Chutes on each floor are an asset and a wonderful
convenience but we need to treat them with respect. All household garbage must be bagged and secured and sized to fit easily into the chute. The chute operates by the gravity principle, do not over stuff it. Please use them quietly and during the day out of respect for near-by units.

Garbage Dumpsters are located outside on the north end of the building. They are provided for normal household waste not appliances, furniture or construction material.
Garbage Dumpster

Recycling: Victoria Park Place encourages everyone to recycle. We have a recycling room on the main floor just to the left of the building manager's office door. Heads up you will need your FOB to reenter the lobby. For red box information click here: For blue box information click here:

Key FOBs: The grey security FOB that provides access to the entries, recreational facilities, and parking levels has an expiry date. The FOBs can be updated through the on-site management office.

Condo Insurance

Leasing: If you plan to lease your unit you must file a Form 5 with security for your tenants
Guests and Deliveries: When moving into Victoria Park Place you must visit the building management office to complete important documentation. The office will arrange to have your name placed on the front door directory with a four-digit number. This number is linked to your cell phone. A guest or delivery person will dial the four-digit number associated with your name on the directory from the house phone (Not their cell phone). Your cell phone will ring as normal. After answering the call and making sure this is a legitimate caller you bring up the number screen on your phone and push the number nine (9) to open the door. For all our safety please treat entry procedures with alertness and caution. The directory does not show your unit or phone number.
Guests & Deliveries
Water: water is a large expense for Victoria Park Place. Residents are asked to do their best to conserve whenever possible. It is very important to report even the smallest dripping tap or running toilet.

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